I closed more deals with REPLAY LISTINGS in the last 3 months than any other app or website
provided in the last year. THIS APP IS WORTH IT!
Alessandra Lykogiannis
Real Estate Agent at:
I closed my first deal from Replay Listings just a couple of weeks after registering at this
great app. Highly recommended, registering takes a few minutes - benefits last for months.
Alexander Zakharin
Real Estate Agent at:
This app has directly assisted with me closing “sight unseen” deals. Being able to share video
links with my clients has been an amazing asset to my business. Thank you, replaylistings!
Sarah Weismer
Real Estate Agent at:
2019 Best App for Real Estate Agents.
A big win with this one.
Thank you Replay Listings. Totally Love it!
Yousaf Rehman
Real Estate Agent at:
[Replay Listings] gives an opportunity to share and see actual sizes of apartments by displaying
only real footage... It’s very handy and simple to use for both agents and renters!
Soslan Tkhagapsoev
Real Estate Agent at:
This app produces leads of a higher quality than most others I’ve tried, the most recent of
which resulted in a lease signing. Money well spent.
Eli Aberham
Real Estate Agent at:
We feel humbled and fortunate that our users like our platform so much that they are often the main contact
between us and the media outlets. If you’d like to write about us, please feel free to reach us at
press@replaylistings.com or contact our CEO directly at rodolfo@replaylistings.com
We’re looking forward to bring more transparency and honesty into the residential real estate industry, and
providing real estate agents and brokers with the best tools to grow their business with a holistic and honest
platform. See you there!