Are you looking forward to living in the city? Do you want the pleasure of having your own bedroom, bathroom, and operable kitchen? Have you looked into the multiple sections of the city — Chelsea, West Village, Upper East Side — and determined which spots you absolutely have to experience living in? Luckily, your apartment-hunting days just got much easier.
If you’re not using our app, how do you typically go about renting apartments in Manhattan? You might
start by searching online or in the newspaper, and there’s an area that catches your eye. The rent seems
doable with your income, and the photos look cozy and perfect for your needs. You send an email or leave
a message for the agent who posted the ad, and then you wait.
This can become a very back-and-forth process until you finally land a rental that is ready for your visit — but then when you walk in, it doesn’t look like the photos at all. The ceiling is less than appealing, the kitchen only half works, the bedroom seems more cramped than it does cozy.